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All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

If you’ve read all those enthusiastic blurbs saying that this is for fans of The Hunger Games, forget it; it’s not remotely like that book, and I have yet to find a book that is.

Black Spring by Alison Croggan

A work of fantasy inspired by Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights.

Teenagers at the End of the World: Young Readers Dance with Dystopia

Why are young readers so enthralled with fiction focused beyond the end of the world? Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games series. Veronica Roth’s Divergent books. It’s a long list. And growing. Dystopia is hot with kids right now. The question is, why?

Best of 2012

The Wild Girl by Kate Forsyth
Though best known for her children’s books, Kate Forsyth has now written two adult novels in a row on fairy tale themes.

The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress
Author, actor and director Adrienne Kress (Alex and the Ironic Gentleman, Timothy and the Dragon’s Gate) attacks her first young adult novel with cinematic verve.

Best SF/F of 2012
We’ve checked the stacks and come up with an incredible list of the best SF/F reads of 2012.

Best of 2012

American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s edited by Gary K. Wolfe
This anthology includes nine groundbreaking works from the infant age of novels of science fiction.

The Year’s Best Science Fiction edited by Gardner Dozois
The 29th publication of The Year’s Best Science Fiction edited by Gardner Dozois annual needs little announcement, yet not discussing it at least a bit would seem like an oversight.

The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore
It seems ironic that the author who suffered a scandal for weaving too much fiction into his memoir should come back as part of a writing team that claims no earthly connection.

The Sword & Scorcery Anthology edited by David G. Hartwell and Jacob Weisman
In his foreword to The Sword & Scorcery Anthology, David Drake writes, “Good sword and scorcery has character and all the other elements of good fiction generally; but the thing S&S must have is story.”

Rasputin’s Bastards by David Nickle
As always, Nickle is right on point. The prose here is thoughtful, energetic and sharp. Most importantly of all, the plot of Rasputin’s Bastards is complicated and it’s told in a complex way.

Under My Skin by Charles de Lint
Charles de Lint is one of the ranking names in SF/F. With 36 novels to his credit, as well as 36 collections of short fiction, he is prolific as well as fiercely talented.

Ison of the Isles by Carolyn Ives Gilman
Like some of the very best of the genre, you really have to work at it for a while to discover the richness.

The Thirteen Hallows by Michael Scott and Colette Freeman
Whatever you’re expecting when you first pick up The Thirteen Hallows, lay it aside. This will never be the book you guessed it would be. And while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s best to go in with your eyes open.

The Uncertain Places by Lisa Goldstein
In The Uncertain Places, Goldstein is in fine form with a darkly compelling modern fairytale.

The Fecund’s Melancholy Daughter by Brent Hayward
You don’t need a crystal ball to know that Brent Hayward’s The Fecund’s Melancholy Daughter will fall into an interesting category. The title alone sets the stage.

Naked City edited by Ellen Datlow
The fact that Ellen Datlow is the editor of Naked City is almost all you need to know about this compilation to go forward. If you know this type of fiction, you know Datlows’s name.

Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
It’s terrific to see the amazing Kim Newman’s Anno Dracula back in print at this most vampire-appropriate time. After all, since the book’s original publication back in 1992, we’ve come a very long way both as a culture and as consumers of all things vampiric.

Mind Storm by K.M. Ruiz
Two Hundred and Fifty years from now, Threnody Corwin is a soldier-slave to the human government. Threnody is of the human class known as psion, the result of nuclear fallout. Like all of her kind, she has special psi skills. Hers is the ability to channel electricity.

Sleight of Hand by Peter S. Beagle
Though the work of Peter S. Beagle has been widely awarded and celebrated, it’s possible you don’t know his name. Even if that is the case, however, you probably do know his work.

The Door to Lost Pages by Claude Lalumière
Coming as it does while the selling of books as we have known it would seem to be in its death throes, The Door to Lost Pages at times reads like a dark love letter to the tiny, magical bookstores all of us with a bookish bent have known and loved.

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